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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Gwyneth Paltrow reveals diet secrets

Being a celeb must be so much hard work, if Gwyneth Paltrow’s idea of a snack is anything to go by. Speaking to Shape magazine, the actress listed her vices as: 'Raw almonds with raisins, or coconut water, or I’ll make a juice with kale, lemon juice, water, Vitamix and a little agave,' we think she is talking about food, but she sort of lost us at the kale. She clearly has no idea about proper snacking (two tubs of Ben and Jerry’s and a chocolate biscuit).

However, Gwyneth admitted she does fall weak to a splurge now and then: ''I try to avoid barbeque potato chips. They’re my weakness. I always eat right, but last night, I had fried clams, pasta with duck sausage and two glasses of red wine.’

TWO whole glasses? You crazy mare! She was probably drunk by the time she put the order in, judging by the looks of things. Duck sausage accompanied by a fried clam? Holy heck, we’ve heard of some crazy cuisine in our time but surely this must be some sort of promotional hoax by the duck sausage people (didn't they do that Barabra Streisand song?)?

Gwynnie went on:

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