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Monday, April 18, 2011

Christina Aguilera's Boyfriend Avoids DUI Charges

Finally, some good news has come Christina Aguilera's way. Her boyfriend, Matt Rutler, has escaped DUI charges.

According to TMZ, Rutler was not above the legal driving limit when he was pulled over and arrested in the early hours of March 1. Rutler was charged with a DUI while Aguilera, a passenger in the car, was briefly taken into custody for public drunkenness.

It has been determined that Rutler's blood alcohol content was .06 at the time of his arrest -- below California's legal limit of .08.

The LA County District Attorney has officially dropped the charges against Rutler, citing insufficient evidence. No charges were filed against Aguilera after her arrest.
This bit of good news bodes well for the singer, who starts her new gig as a vocal coach on the new singing competition show 'The Voice' this week on NBC.

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