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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"Kid" from 80s hip-hop band Kid 'n Play arrested (Reuters)

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – One half of the late 1980s hip-hop band Kid 'n Play was arrested on Tuesday for skipping out on a court hearing in connection with a 2010 drunk driving conviction, court officials.

Christopher "Kid" Reid, 47, was booked into the Los Angeles County Jail shortly before noon and held in lieu of $26,000 bail.

He was taken in after a judge issued a warrant for his arrest on August 2 for missing a July 25 hearing, said Patricia Kelly, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles Superior Court.

Reid was under court-supervised probation for a conviction stemming from a July 2010 arrest for driving with almost double the legal alcohol limit, Kelly said.

Reid was one half of the popular late 80s and early 1990s hip hop band, Kid 'n Play. Reid, along with Christopher "Play" Martin, were most popular for their roles in the "House Party" comedy films.

(Reporting by Jason Kandel; Editing by Jill Serjeant)

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