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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

DC police demotion follows Sheen escort dustup (AP)

WASHINGTON – The commander of a District of Columbia police division who publicly clashed with the chief over the use and frequency of police escorts for celebrities after the Charlie Sheen ride has been demoted.

Hilton Burton said he was transferred out of special operations and demoted to captain in the medical clinic for injured officers. He said he believes his demotion was in response to his June appearance before the D.C. Council, in which he said police escorts were routinely provided for celebrities visiting Washington.

The testimony contradicted statements by Police Chief Cathy Lanier. She had said a police escort from a northern Virginia airport for Sheen in April violated department policy because of its speed and use of sirens, and that escorts weren't generally intended for celebrities.

Lanier told reporters Tuesday the demotion had nothing to with Burton's testimony.

Yahoo! News


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