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Friday, June 10, 2011

Heat may have caused death at Bonnaroo music fest (Reuters)

NASHVILLE, Tennessee (Reuters) – Heat, drugs or a combination may have contributed to the death of a woman whose body was found outside her tent on the grounds of the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, officials said Friday.

"We are unsure if heat exhaustion or any type of heat-related illness played a part in it," said Capt. Frank Watkins of the Coffee County Sheriff's Department.

The body of the Pittsburgh woman, age 32, was found by friends late Thursday night, Watkins said.

The four-day Bonnaroo gathering annually draws 80,000 rock music fans to a field in Manchester, Tennessee. Temperatures in the state this week have been in the upper-90s.

The heat's potential interaction with medications or drugs or an overdose are being considered as possible causes, according to Watkins.

Bonnaroo is celebrating its 10th anniversary as a major outdoor music festival, drawing people from around the world. Artists at this year's fest include Eminem, Robert Plant and a reunited Buffalo Springfield with Neil Young and Stephen Stills.

(Writing by Tim Ghianni; Editing by Mary Wisniewski and Greg McCune)

Yahoo! News


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