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Monday, May 16, 2011

U.S. evangelist Billy Graham released from hospital (Reuters)

MIAMI (Reuters) – Evangelist Billy Graham was released on Sunday from a North Carolina hospital where he had been treated for pneumonia, the hospital said.

Graham, 92, returned to his home in Montreat, North Carolina, after a five-day stay at Mission Hospital in nearby Asheville, North Carolina. Doctors said his response to treatment was "excellent" but that his recovery would be slow.

"We expect continuing recuperation at home with very gradual recovery, returning to normal activities over several weeks. I'm delighted that he has come back this fast," Dr. Lucian Rice said in a statement released by the hospital.

Graham thanked the hospital staff and said he had been "deeply touched by the prayers and best wishes of so many people" and that he looked forward to resuming normal activities soon.

Graham, one of the best-known American evangelists, has preached the Christian gospel to millions worldwide and given spiritual advice to numerous U.S. presidents.

He has retired and his son Franklin Graham now leads his Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

(Editing by Peter Cooney)

Yahoo! News

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