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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Set glitch delays Met Opera global telecast (AP)

NEW YORK – The Metropolitan Opera's live telecast to millions of listeners worldwide was delayed by 35 minutes because of a glitch in the set.

Hundreds of ticketholders stood outside the theater Saturday, waiting to enter for a noon telecast of Richard Wagner's "Die Walkuere." (dee VAHL'-kyoo-reh). The show ended and about 45 minutes behind schedule at 5:50 p.m.

Met spokeswoman Lee Abrahamian says a malfuctioning encoding sensor in one of the planks in the set had to be fixed.

The 90,000-pound set twists into different shapes, and lights and projections are used to create the effects such as water and fire.

The Met's "Live in HD" broadcasts are beamed to 1,500 movie theaters around the world, including many in Europe, where the final note was played at 11:50 p.m. Abrahamian says theaters carried the opera to its conclusion.

Yahoo! News

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