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Monday, May 16, 2011

'Top Gun' at 25: Still Feeling the Need for Speed (ContributorNetwork)

Twenty-five years ago, Tom Cruise first felt the need for speed in "Top Gun," a testosterone-fueled adventure about Navy fighter pilots. Cruise plays Lt. Pete Mitchell, a rebellious pilot who rightly earns the call sign "Maverick." With Lt. Nick "Goose" Bradshaw (Anthony Edwards) as his Radio Intercept Officer (RIO) , Maverick heads to the Navy Fighter Weapons School in Miramar, Calif., to receive advanced training.

A definitive movie from the 1980's, "Top Gun" has characters, situations and dialogue that make it an instant classic.

What is Maverick's gutsiest flying maneuver?

The opening scenes of "Top Gun" show Maverick and Goose engaging with a couple of MiG-28's. To save fellow officers Cougar and Merlin (John Stockwell and Tim Robbins), Maverick does an inverted 4G descent, placing him about 2 meters above the enemy's canopy. Maverick gives the startled enemy pilot the one-fingered salute while Goose takes a Polaroid photograph of the whole incident.

This engagement proved too much for Cougar, who turns in his wings. Following his resignation, Maverick and Goose become the top flyers and are sent to the elite TOPGUN training program at Miramar. Later in the movie, Navy Fighter Weapons School instructors analyze and criticize Maverick's bold move with the MiG-28, saying that is an example of how not to engage the enemy.

How did Pete Mitchell first meet Charlotte Blackwood?

After a preliminary briefing at TOPGUN, Maverick and Goose head out to a local watering hole. Following their standard operating procedures, Goose bets Maverick twenty dollars that he can't have carnal knowledge on the premises "with a member of the opposite sex this time." Maverick immediately targets Charlotte Blackwood (Kelly McGillis), a pretty blonde sitting at the bar.

Going for broke, Pete breaks into an acapella version of "You've Lost That Loving Feeling" and is joined by Goose and other students from TOPGUN. When Charlotte asks him how many times he used that approach, Pete says twice, but he crashed and burned on the first attempt. With Charlotte, however, he's waiting to see how things turn out. Unfortunately for Maverick, Charlotte Blackwood, call sign 'Charlie', is a civilian contractor for the Navy and a TOPGUN instructor.

Why doesn't Goose party as hard as Maverick?

After Maverick gets them in trouble by breaking the TOPGUN rules of engagement, Goose has a quiet heart-to-heart with his friend, saying that "he just wants to graduate." Lt. Bradshaw, as it turns out, has a wife Carole (Meg Ryan) and a young son back home that he's concerned about. Carole brings their little boy out on a visit to Miramar and, as Goose plays a credible version of "Great Balls of Fire" on the piano, Carole utters the immortal line "Goose, you big stud, take me to bed or lose me forever."

Pete Mitchell typically is cocky and self-confident. How does he lose his pilot's edge?

On their final training flight, Maverick and rival Iceman (Val Kilmer) are vying to win the TOPGUN trophy, which is given to the best of the best at Miramar. Flying in tight formation, Maverick and Goose are caught in Iceman's backwash, which causes a double engine failure. With their fighter jet in a flat spin, the two are forced to eject, but Goose hits the canopy head-first and dies instantly. Overcome with guilt, Maverick is unable to engage the enemy in later test flights and temporarily quits the program.

Yahoo! News

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