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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Frey calls Winfrey interview 'personal car crash' (AP)

CHICAGO – Author James Frey tells Oprah Winfrey that if he could do it again he would have "been honest" in promoting his book "A Million Little Pieces."

Frey appeared on Monday's episode of "The Oprah Winfrey Show," more than five years after Winfrey accused him on live television of lying in the book. Winfrey called it "the biggest controversy" in her show's history.

Winfrey chose Frey's substance abuse story "A Million Little Pieces," for her book club in September 2005, making it a million-seller.

Frey acknowledged on Winfrey's show in January 2006 that he lied in the book. Winfrey told him she felt duped and that he had betrayed millions of readers.

Frey told Winfrey on Tuesday that he's never seen that interview and called it a "personal car crash."

Yahoo! News

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