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Monday, April 4, 2011


Well, what a wonderful sight to behold. Happy Monday one and all! Who would have dared imagine that Duncan James would be back to make us all weak in the knees again, but thank the sweet baby Jesus (and Attitude magazine) that he has! Ladies, dust off your old posters and All Rise (see what we did there?) to the newly buff boy from Blue.

Dunc has shaped up in preparation for Blue’s forthcoming Eurovision gig, we can only fathom they are planning on running there judging by these buff physiques. And if you were wondering how Duncan managed to keep a bod like that a secret, he told Attitude:

"We've never done anything like this before. Ever! In the whole ten years of being in the band, we've never done a photo shoot like this. Never. We've never even done a topless shoot!"

We think this could be a wonderful turning of a fit new leaf, keeping this covered would just be selfish.

All together now: PHWOAR. It’s photos like this that really bring out our inner wolf whistling builder, we would DEFINITELY tap THAT. Torso of the MILLENIUM perhaps? Sorry, just had to get that out our system

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