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Thursday, April 14, 2011

How Kimora Lee Lost 25 Pounds: 'By Not Eating'

EXCLUSIVE: Kimora Lee Simmons shocked everyone recently when she hit the red carpet 25 lbs lighter, but now she's ready to really shock by revealing how she and other famous stars lose that kind of weight.

"I have shed the fat by not eating," Kimora flat-out tells me. "But I don't like to tell the kids that so they think they shouldn't eat. No, I watch my portions, and I eat leaner proteins and vegetables and stuff like that."

The gorgeous Missouri native was in a giving mood during our afternoon rendezvous, so she listed her food intake for the entire day.
"So I woke up this morning and ordered breakfast at 4 AM. I had egg whites scrambled, spinach, turkey bacon and a glass of orange juice," she said, noting she skipped lunch. "The reason I had such a big breakfast is because I hadn't eaten in two days. I've had fruit, I've had a smoothie, I've had a protein bar, but it's not like I've had Doritos."

Also, running around after three young children (two with Russell Simmons, one with Djimon Hounsou) keeps her active. But moving to LA certainly made Kimora want to lose weight.

"I was out one night with two famous sisters" -- Kimora asked that I not reveal the identity of the young reality stars -- "when a bunch of burgers were being passed around. I went to grab one and the two of them looked shocked. They said, 'We don't eat.' Then after I grabbed a burger, they said they were joking but I knew they weren't!"

Move back east, ladies. Where NOT starving yourself is far more chic!

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